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2039 10-71 Front Offset ( Does Clear Your Distributor )
10-71 Front Offset 2039 Billet-High Helix setup with Carbs , lines, scoop , ready to go . Everything except Harmonic Balancer and Belt Guard
Complete Blower Setup- for Big Block Chevy Standard Deck engines- with Billet 10-71 Blower, with Billet Rotors, Hard Anodized -
18 point Stripping for better boost ( Rotors are Hard Anodized)
Dual ATM 950 Carbs, Polished line kit, Polished Scoop with air filters- and Linkage kit
Polished Scoop w Filters ( Air filter upgrade )
Polished Line kit with black nuts -
Dual TBS linkage kit
2039 Blower Shop Blower Forward Offset - Same Rear Clearance as an 8-71 Can use rear distributor or Mag without moving it
Excellent Street/Strip Setup
10-71 Front Offset # 2039 ( Clears Distributors on BB Chevy ) Billet Case w. Billet High Helix rotors, Hard Anodized for Gas-E-85 or Alky
Billet Polished Case, Billet Rotors, Polished Billet Front Cover & Billet Bearing Plates
Standard Deck Polished Intake-
The Blower Shop - Street type w pop off
3" Wide 8MM Drive Kit Complete
Polished Carb Adapter Plate : Dual or single Carb available
1V or 2V accessory pulley included Serpentine available
Upgrade to 1050 Carbs if engine is over 575 cu in
Dominator Upgrade available
black option available
We stock Innovators West Balancers if you want a Harmonic Balancer - let us know
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