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Blower Shop 10-71 Complete Big Block Standard Deck Chevy Special ( EFI Bugcatcher option available w Holley HP ECU)
Gas- E-85- Methanol all ok light racing Street all ok
2333 Billet EFI 10 -71 Stripped for Gas, or Alcohol, High Helix Billet Rotors- w Sight glass and pressure relief valve
Polished Blower Shop Rec port intake manifold w pop off valve -
Gaskets - Studs kit - 1V or 2V or Serpentine belt accessory pulley -
8mm Polished Drive system - any ratio we decide on from 20% under to 25% over
( custom for your engine )
Blower Shop Snout assembly - Snout mounted idler assembly
Polished carb. Top for 1x 4150 or 2 x 4150 Throttle Bodies if desired
Ready to Install -
Can make 18 lbs boost on a 502 cu in at 10% overdrive - 15 lbs at 20% overdrive
Uses your balancer- You can get a hub from us - Be sure we know if it is internal or external balanced
We stock Innovators West Harmonic Balancers and RCD Blower Hubs
You can choose to run without a balancer since the blower belt absorbs the harmonic vibrations.
Some engine Builders however insist on a Balancer, so we like to do what they want.
Balancers begin at $525 and go up depending on keyway, and if you need crank trigger magnets.
Hubs are around $225 and up - they are all double keyway.