LS BILLET TIMING COVER and Waterman LIL Bertha from 26.25 GPM
Waterman- Lil Bertha STEEL CENTER Billet Spur Gear Pump is the Ultimate in Fuel Racing
Equipped w Swivel Collar -Inlet -Outlet- Fittings & Optional 3" Billet extension
Will be WITH Cam Sensor Hole Unless you tell us you do Not Need the Cam Sensor Hole
With cam spud Also shown with 3" Extension ( optional) If you have Balancer Clearance issues
for LS Chevy Engine (WITH or Without CAM SENSOR) * provision - Tell us which you want .
Choose Aeromotive 13132 or 13137 120 psi Regulator to accommodate this setup if Needed
*Due to placement of the cam sensor, this cover requires the fuel pump flange or Extension to be notched to clear the cam sensor area.
comes with Cam spud - Spud - can be a .554 or .690" Register- We have to know that in advance