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Chevy LS Passenger Side Fuel Pump w Internal Regulator supports 1200 HP For Carburetors
GAS-Alcohol-E-85 All ok
Mechanical Fuel Pump Belt drive Kit for Stock Balancers & Aftermarket-
If Your Balancer has a 2.28" Register (Like a BB Chev) This Kit Fits your Balancer
If You want a Single Bolt Mandrel -Using a 16mm Bolt Use Option Button to Change to Single Bolt
This is for Engines that have the Tapped Bosses on the Passenger Side - Some Blocks do not Have Threaded Bosses
Comes with: Engine Mount-APD Billet 706101-P 600 Carb Pump w Internal Regulator -Double Adjustable
-Mandrel with V Pulley for Alternator 28" Belt
, 63882 , LS fuel pump drive , LS Belt Drive ,