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392 Timing Cover Early Chrysler Hemi 331, 354, 392 - POLISHED
Chrysler Hemi 1951-1958 Cast, Reinforced, Finned
Timing Cover . Like a Mickey Thompson
Also fits a 325 Dodge Hemi or Donovan
Some pans require a 1/4" Thicker front rubber seal where pan goes to Timing Cover we don't have those seals
Clears Milodon Gear Drive, Drives a Fuel Pump
Bottom will accept a Bearing if you want to use it for a Crankshaft Support
Coated with material similar to Jet Hot.
Also available in AS CAST Satin
Cam Spud Available see listing below this ad .
No provision for stock type pointer.
New- Alkydigger/Diamond P Design