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Small Block/ Big Block Ford Fuel Injection Setup Kit
260-289-302-351W or 429-460
These are all the parts that you need when setting up a Small Block Ford.
This will run on the street with an aggressive idle - sensitive mid-range.
This kit includes:
Aeromotive Red or Waterman - 400-500-600 Fuel pump
- New By-Pass Valve with 5 Jet Selection
- New Secondary Low Speed Valve
- New Two Way or Three Way Shut Off Valve
New Permanent High Micron Filter with #8, #10, or #12 Fittings 60 or 100 micron
- New Belt Drive Assembly (This moves the fuel pump to the side so you can run a water pump) OR a Timing Cover drive- your choice
- New Fuel Pump Shut Off Cable and Bracket for Ease of Mounting
Timing cover available for either engine SB or BB
- A Copy of a Hilborn Service Manual
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This is everything you will need with the exception of a couple of hoses from the tank and to the engine and some sort of cable or throttle control of your choice. See our listing for a surge tank if you want to drive it often.
See other items for varying lengths of hoses.
You may want to look at our "Surge Tank" if you are going to use a rear mounted tank