NEW- Alkydigger Hi-Flow Blown Alcohol K Style Billet Barrel Valve ( K Valve) FOR SCREW BLOWER
Fits all Enderle Injectior Hats ( Bird and bug has to be tapped to 1/4" Thread for mounting
flows more than the cast version - used for up to 60% Nitro
use 6001-150 for top check valve
use 6001-5 for idle check valve or 6001-7 TO 10 for Big boosted engines
Uses Enderle Screw in Pills
Alkydigger K-style Blown Alcohol Metering Valve Assembly is machined from Billet aluminum and Hard anodized.
Complete with:
Metering Piston ( Same as Enderle ) W SQUARE NOTCH FOR SCREW BLOWERS
AN Fittings - Linkage arm
-10 Inlet Contoured for more inlet flow ( tell us if you want a -8 Fitting or -10 )
Has provisions for ports nozzles and pump saver check valve.-Rear mount option so you can use it to return to dist block if desired
Commonly used for blown alcohol and nitro applications.
Available in blown Alcohol/Nitro / Unblown /
Drop down menu to add the check valves.
For Nitro 50% or more see 4025A