260-289- 302 early deck height 8.2" - 6-71 Blower Shop 2005 Blower
All polished except the manifold
New Polished Case 6-71 Blower Shop 2 Lobe Blower
makes great boost on Street or Track on engines up to 400 cu in
HD Gears
Drive - 8mm - pulleys, idler, belt, one accessory pulley
Tell us if you need two accessory pulleys and if you are using a Blower Hub or balancer
Satin Intake Manifold with Pop-off
Has to use a Aftermarket Balancer or Blower Hub
* 8" Snout + 1" Spacer with 2V and Balancer
We stock Innovators West Harmonic Balancers and RCD Blower Hubs
You can choose to run without a balancer since the blower belt absorbs the harmonic vibrations. Some engine Builders however
insist on a Balancer, so we like to do what they want. Balancers begin at $495 and go up depending on keyway,
and if you need crank trigger magnets. Hubs are around $220 and up - they are all double keyway.