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Illustration for Enderle Square Barrel Valve when using: Blown Gas, Blown E-85 or UnBlown any fuel
Illustration for Enderle Square Barrel Valve when using: Blown Gas, Blown E-85 or UnBlown any fuel (Not Blown Alcohol)
Valve “A” 16-20 lbs. pressure no pill
Valve “B” 2 lbs. pressure for unblown Gas, E-85 , Alky- Increase to 3-5 lbs. if your engine is over 600 cu inches.
When NOT using blown Alcohol, the pill will NOT reside in the front of the barrel valve where the arrow says pill: Instead, you will install a Blank out Pill in there and the main jet pill will reside in a Jet holder connected to valve “B” or it can have a similar jet holder mounted on the outlet of the shut off valve or anywhere between the pump and the inlet to the barrel valve. In the above illustration, the pill in in the holder above the rear Valve “B”.
In this picture the outlet fitting is the rear one that you can see behind where valve “B” is located.
Valve “A” 16-20 lbs. pressure no pill
Valve “B” 2 lbs. pressure for unblown Gas, E-85 , Alky- Increase to 3-5 lbs. if your engine is over 600 cu inches.
When NOT using blown Alcohol, the pill will NOT reside in the front of the barrel valve where the arrow says pill: Instead, you will install a Blank out Pill in there and the main jet pill will reside in a Jet holder connected to valve “B” or it can have a similar jet holder mounted on the outlet of the shut off valve or anywhere between the pump and the inlet to the barrel valve. In the above illustration, the pill in in the holder above the rear Valve “B”.
In this picture the outlet fitting is the rear one that you can see behind where valve “B” is located.